monitoring systems for home


wired home security system

Regardless of our personal circumstances or the state of our fallen world, Yeshua has promised us he will come.

alarm for home

If you plan on heading out of town and will be away from your home for even a few days, be sure to let a trusted neighbor or friend know so they can tend to your home. Their duties may include picking up newspapers, mail or even turning on different lights inside of your home. Consider the opportunity of establishing a neighborhood watch through the Blue Springs Police Department Crime Prevention Unit. You may find that it gives you the opportunity to better know your neighbors while making everyone safer. Do you have questions or concerns about the security of your home?Please don’t hesitate to contact the Blue Springs Police Department Crime Prevention unit at or by phone at 816 228 0178, and ask for Sgt. Allen Kintz or Officer Janet Jarvis.


Blandit Etiam

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